This public discussion panel will consider future policy and curriculum issues such as whether ethics should be taught as a compulsory school subject to all students in an effort to respond to the general capability of ‘ethical understanding’ and, if so, how should this be taught and assessed? What implications does this have for teacher training? The panel will also consider empirical findings that link the study of philosophy to increased NAPLAN scores i.e. . The panel will each present their views on this theme and then respond to one another. Joe Gelonesi, the ABC Radio National presenter from The Philosopher’s Zone will facilitate the recorded panel discussion.
Panel members will include:
- Dr Laura D’Olimpio, Chairperson, the Federation of Australasian Philosophy in Schools Associations and Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame Australia.
- Professor Rob Wilson, Professor of Philosophy at La Trobe University.
- Professor Sandra Lynch, Director of the Institute of Ethics and Society at the University of Notre Dame Australia.
- Dr Janet Orchard, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Bristol, UK.
- Dr Sue Knight, curriculum author for Primary Ethics, NSW.