Honours Board

PESA Fellows (FPESA)

  • Bill Andersen (deceased)
  • David Beckett
  • Tina (A.C.) Besley
  • John Codd (deceased)
  • Nesta Devine
  • Peter Fitzsimons (deceased)
  • Andrew Gibbons
  • Paul Hager
  • Kevin Harris (deceased)
  • Bruce Haynes
  • Felicity Haynes
  • Greg Heath
  • Ruyu Hung
  • Liz Jackson
  • Morimichi Kato
  • Jim Mackenzie
  • James Marshall (deceased)
  • Carl Mika
  • Marjorie O’Loughlin
  • Jānis (John) T. Ozoliņš
  • Michael A. Peters
  • Peter Roberts
  • John Roe
  • Ivan Snook (deceased)
  • Marek Tesar
  • James Walker (deceased)
  • Jayne White

Past Presidents

1970-72 Les M. Brown
1973-74 Brian S. Crittenden (deceased)
1975 Les M. Brown
1976 Martin Simons
1977-78 Bruce Haynes
1979-80 Ronald S. Laura
1981 William E. Andersen
1982 James D. Marshall (deceased)
1983-84 Colin Lankshear
1985 Felicity Haynes
1986 Bruce Haynes
1987-89 Jim Walker (deceased)

1990-92 Martin Bibby
1993-94 James D. Marshall (deceased)
1995 Michael A. Peters
1996-98 Marjorie O’Loughlin
1999-02 Gregory Heath
2003-05 Peter Fitzsimons (deceased)
2006-08 John Ozolins
2009-11 Nesta Devine
2012-15 Peter Roberts
2015-18 Tina Besley
2018-20 Liz Jackson
2020-2023 Marek Tesar


Editors of Educational Philosophy And Theory

1969 - 1977 Les M. Brown

1978 - 1986 Les M. Brown & Jim Gribble

1987 - 1989 James S. Kaminsky

1990 - 1995 David Aspin

1996 - 1999 Jim Walker

1999 – 2023 Michael A. Peters

2023 - current Liz Jackson & Marek Tesar


Scholarship Winners

The society provides several types of scholarships and awards that support doctoral and postrgraduate students to advance serious philosophical discussion about education.

Read More About PESA Scholarships



Ryan Lewis

University of Melbourne
Composing a missing people in the educational landscape: musician-teachers as transversal subjects
Supervisors: A/Prof Mark Selkrig, A/Prof Sonja Arndt, Dr Brad Merrick 

philippa 2023

Philippa Isom

Auckland University of Technology
The dragons are coming: Stories to live and learn by
Supervisors: Professor Andrew Gibbons, Professor Georgina Tuari Stewart 



Simon Kidd

The University of Western Australia
The design and implementation of the Western Australian ‘Philosophy and Ethics’ ATAR course: Influences, implications, and alternatives
Supervisors: Associate Professor Nin Kirkham, Emeritus Professor Tom O’Donoghue, Professor Jānis (John) Ozoliņš



Sarah Gurr

University of Newcastle, Australia
Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Uncertainties for Environmental and Sustainability Educators at the Australian Coal Face
Supervisors: Dr Daniella J. Forster, Professor Tom G. Griffiths

Jacoba 2018


Jacoba Matapo

The University of Auckland
Re-imagining Pasifika leadership in higher education
Supervisors: Prof. Nesta Devine, Dr Tanya Samu

Cong Lin


Cong Lin

The University of Hong Kong
Constructing Chinese identity: Multiculturalism in Chinese societies and its future
Supervisors: Prof. Liz Jackson and Prof. Wing Wah Law



Judith Catton

University of Canterbury
Attention, literature and education
Supervisors: Prof. Peter Roberts, Dr Trish McMenamin

Yulia Nesterova


Yulia Nesterova

The University of Hong Kong
Developing Indigenous Education in Taiwan: Indigenous Perspectives and Possibilities
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Liz Jackson, Prof. Gerard A. Postiglione

vennessa cameron lewis


Vanessa Cameron-Lewis

andrew thompson


Andrew Thompson

The University of Auckland
Arguments over educational purpose: the limit of philosophy in contemporary educational discourse
Supervisors: Prof. Carol Mutch, Prof. Kirsten Locke

Maurice Alford


Maurice Alford

Auckland University of Technology
Defending our education heritage: how teacher collegial conversations conserve the values of the teacher community
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof Nesta Devine & Assoc. Prof Andrew Gibbons

Robert Stratford


Robert Stratford

University of Waikato
Higher Education and the Global Environmental Crisis
Supervisors: Prof Michael A. Peters & Assoc. Prof Jayne White



Sonja Arndt

University of Waikato
Delirious constructions: Foreigners, strangers and too strange strangers
Supervisors:  Prof Tina Besley, Prof Michael A. Peters & Assoc. Prof Wendy Drewery



Sharyn Heaton

University of Waikato
Kia whai kiko te whare tapa whā. Rebuilding a 'whare' body of knowledge to inform future Hauora developments in curriculum.
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof Margie Hohepa & Dr Carl Mika



Michael Derby

Simon Fraser University, Canada
Reading and Being Read: Towards an Ecopoetic Understanding of Education
Supervisor: Dr Sean Blenkinsop



Filipe Santos

University of Canterbury, New Zealand
The Boarding School Novel and its Contributions to Educational Research
Supervisors: Prof Peter Roberts & Dr. Kathleen Quinliven


Marek Tesar

University of Auckland
Governing childhoods through stories
Supervisors: Prof Alison Jones, Dr Iris Duhn & Assoc. Prof. Carol Mutch



Richard Heraud

University of Waikato
The innovative subject: A philosophical perspective
Supervisors: Prof Michael A. Peters & Dr Jayne White


Steven A. Stolz

Australian Catholic University (ACU)
Do sport and physical education have an important role to play in educational institutions?
Supervisor: Prof Janis (John) Tâlivaldis Ozolinš


Christoph Teschers

University of Canterbury
Education and the Art of Living
Supervisors: Prof Peter Roberts, Dr. Kathleen Quinlivan


E. Jayne White

Monash University
Assessment in New Zealand Early Childhood Education: A Bakhtinian analysis of toddler metaphoricity.
Supervisor: Dr Joce Nuttall


Elizabeth Cranley

Queensland University of Technology
Creative Integrity: The art of teaching ethics
Supervisors: Prof. Brad Haseman, Dr Sarah Davey-Chesters


Clinton Golding

University Of Melbourne
"That's a better idea!" Philosophical progress and Philosophy for Children
Supervisors: David Beckett, Douglas Adeney


Kirsten Locke

University of Auckland
Shadows of Sound. Music, Pedagogy and Writing the Inaudible
Supervisors: Dr David Lines, Professor Peter Roberts


Eleanor Horton

University of Newcastle
An Exploration of the Politics of
Difference in Nursing

Supervisor: Dr. Mike Hazelton


Robert Shaw

University of Auckland
Heideggerian Pedagogy: Horizons of disclosure acquired in schools
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Robin Small, Assoc. Prof. Peter Roberts


Linda Graham

Queensland University of Technology
Caught in the Net: A Foucauldian cartography of pedagogical systems of formation and the ‘behaviourally disordered child'
Supervisors: Dr. Gordon Tait, Dr. Claire O’Farrell


Sandy Farquhar

University of Auckland
Narrative Identity in Early Childhood
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Peter Roberts