
PESA does not sell or take commission from any of the events listed on this website.

PESGB Summer School 2025

When: Deadline: April 1st, 2025

Contact: Dr Karsten Kenklies (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Postgraduate research students are invited to apply for the 2025 Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) Summer School, hosted at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The University of Strathclyde will be hosting the Summer School in Philosophy of Education from Monday 23 June to Friday 27 June 2025 on the John Anderson Campus in the centre of Glasgow. The Summer School involves five days of lectures, seminar discussions and social activities.

The theme for the Summer School is ‘Education and Philosophy between Cultures’. Cultural and intercultural awareness, communication and competence are at the heart of the postgraduate researcher development at universities across the sector. It is a general expectation that postgraduate research students engage beyond their conceptually and culturally familiar contexts, to broaden their horizons and ways of thinking, crossing borders of language and
philosophical traditions when thinking about education. This expectation aligns with moves to
internationalise higher education.

Although inspiring, these expectations are also challenging as they quickly expose underlying problems that accompany attempts to cross borders. English may be the lingua franca of academia offering a common tongue for human connection and economic mobility, but this comes at a price: monolingual academic cultures and set conventions of translating (e.g. in UK universities) may not only gloss over students’ multilingual identities (and rich translingual resources), but also overlook the difficult art of translation itself, e.g. when considering the historicity of concepts (and language in general). These critical challenges are central to Philosophy of Education, whose fundamental notions or concepts – e.g. education, or philosophy – should not be taken for granted.

Participants in the Summer School are not required to be explicitly working between cultures or on explicitly ‘Intercultural’ themes in their doctoral projects, but are encouraged to interpret the call as broad enough to be inclusive of anyone undertaking doctoral researcher in philosophy of education since the basic questions concerns our general understandings of fundamental educational notions.

Therefore, the 2025 Summer School at the University of Strathclyde will offer opportunities for all doctoral researchers engaging in theoretical and philosophical research in education to explore fundamental educational concepts from a methodological perspective. Particular attention will be paid to questions that interculturality poses: how do we do “philosophy of education” within and between cultures?

Students will explore not only the specific questions that such intercultural discussions and encounters create, but they will also be given opportunities to formulate responses. Beginning with a more methodological exploration into intercultural philosophical work on the first day, over the course of five days, participants will engage in specific aspects of this field.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for postgraduate students to engage with very timely discussions around the challenges of intercultural exchanges within the philosophy of education. The event is free to attend, and the Society will fund all meals and accommodation; participants will be responsible for their own travel costs. To help us explore these topics, we are delighted to be joined by some leading philosophers who have worked and continue to work in philosophy of education between different cultures.

1. 2. 3. One sample of academic work or a research outline
A letter of recommendation from an academic supervisor
A letter explaining why you would like to attend the Summer School (maximum 1 side A4)
Applicants must:
1. Be enrolled on a postgraduate course, or engaged in postgraduate research, in any discipline.
2. Be able and willing ability to work collaboratively.

To apply, please send the items listed below by email to Dr Karsten Kenklies (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Submit application materials to by 5pm (GMT) on Tuesday 1st April 2025. Decisions will be
communicated by 14th April 2025.

Call for Expressions of Interest: Co-Researcher/Research Associate Positions (Post-Doctoral)

When: April 30, 2025

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA) invites expressions of interest for Co-Researcher/Research Associate positions (Post-Doctoral) as part of an important Research Pilot Project:

Project Title:
What is going on in Philosophy of Education in Teacher Education?

This project seeks to map and critically analyze how Philosophy of Education is taught in Australian Higher Education institutions. The findings will inform future research directions, contribute to grant applications, and support the advancement of Philosophy of Education in teacher education.

About the Project
The project will take place over 12 months and consists of three key phases:
1. A desktop review of university Philosophy of Education course offerings in Australia.
2. A survey of PESA members to gather insights into their experiences teaching philosophy in teacher education.
3. Delphi interviews with expert academics to explore the positioning and future of Philosophy of Education.
The research will also engage critically with the Teacher Education Expert Panel (TEEP) report and its implications for the field.

Position Details
Role: Co-Researcher/Research Associate (Post-Doctoral)
Duration: August 2025 – February 2026
Commitment: Fractional contract (up to two days per week, negotiable)
Eligibility: Open to PESA members only
Key Responsibilities
Conduct and refine research methodologies for the pilot project.
Submit and manage human research ethics approvals.
Lead data collection and analysis across the three project phases.
Develop research tools, including surveys and interview frameworks.
Collaborate with project leads and provide research updates to the PESA Executive.
Contribute to grant applications and academic publications.
Who Should Apply?
We are seeking post-doctoral researchers with:

Expertise in Philosophy of Education and/or Teacher Education.
Research experience in higher education contexts in Australia.
A strong academic publication and grant-writing track record.
The ability to work independently and collaboratively in a semi-structured research role.
How to Apply
To apply, please submit an Expression of Interest (EOI), including:

A response to the selection criteria (see full EOI document).
A full academic CV.
Application Deadline: April 30, 2025

For further information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This is a unique opportunity to contribute to a pioneering research initiative and shape the future of Philosophy of Education in teacher education. We look forward to your applications.

PaTHES Webinar: Rethinking Emotions in Higher Education

PaTHES Webinar: Rethinking Emotions in Higher Education
When: 12 March 2025: UK 7-8am – CET 8-9am – Hong Kong 3-4pm – Sydney 6-7pm – NZ 8- 9pm

Where: Online

Many might assume that emotional education is not a central part of education. If it is relevant, it would seem most relevant in early years (i.e., early childhood education) rather than in higher education. In this webinar, Liz Jackson challenges this assumption. Jackson begins by reconceptualising emotional education, drawing on her research in this area. She considers two contexts where emotions remain relevant in higher education: in assessment and in doctoral supervision. As Jackson spells out, higher education remains a vital domain for ongoing emotional education. It is not merely (or necessarily) the case that higher education should serve to enhance student emotional self-regulation in line with positive psychology and ‘academic emotions’ approaches. Instead, students see themselves, their worth, and their relations with others in emotionally charged ways through an array of higher education practices. This seminar can be informative for theorising emotions in higher education as well as for rethinking higher education practice.

Gloria Dall'Alba, Being and becoming through higher education: Expanding possibilities, (Springer: Singapore) 2024

Given that multiple – sometimes competing – demands are being made of higher education, what is it to focus on doing and for what purpose? Higher education arguably has a responsibility to develop how students are learning to be in the present and becoming into the future. This development is not limited to the individual, however. It occurs, and has relevance, within the communities to which students belong and those within which they aspire to participate, such as professional communities.

This book is intended to prompt re-imagining the ways in which higher education is conceived and conducted. An argument is put forward for greater emphasis on expanding possibilities for knowing, acting and being, toward fuller lives of interdependence with others and things in an interconnected world. Through highlighting an ontological dimension in this manner, a hope-filled future emerges for higher education.

Arie Kizel, Enabling Students' Voices and Identities: Philosophical Inquiry in a Time of Discord, (Lexington(division of Rowman & Littlefield): Lanham, Maryland) 2024

One of the challenges that educational systems are facing worldwide is enabling the voices of children from silenced, marginalized, and excluded groups to be heard in communities of philosophical inquiry. Children from unprivileged socioeconomic sectors or minorities, and whose narrative is not in accord with that of the dominant mainstream narrative, often feel uncomfortable expressing their feelings, experiences, and mostly their authentic philosophical questions during communities of philosophical inquiry. They prefer not to raise the questions from their identity perspective. Even if they are friendly, such communities of inquiry are governed--even if implicitly--by the hegemonic meta-narrative. This book addresses the challenges of authentic inclusion of these children and their identities/narratives. Arie Kizel analyzes both how discourse about multiple identities and narratives can enrich the theoretical foundations of philosophy for/with children, as opposed to the sterile banking and normalizing education, and the challenge of various identities and their uniqueness within childhood in order to offer theoretical and pedagogical-educational solutions within philosophy for and with children. This book furthers our understanding of dialogical inquiry, particularly within a pluralistic environment that explicitly promotes democratic culture.

Call for Papers: European Seminars in Philosophy of Education (ESPE)

When: 1 March 2025

The founding meeting of European Seminars in Philosophy of Education will be held at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands on July 3rd and 4th.

Contemporary philosophy of education benefits from a long legacy of thinking about education in Europe. Many of the concepts, theories, forms of argument and methodological approaches used today stem from traditions born and developed on the European continent, even if researchers are not always aware of these connections. At the same time, much of the European legacy to education has remained outside the scope of contemporary philosophy of education. Since much of the work done in the philosophy of education occurs in the English language, and English is only one of many languages spoken on the European continent, not all of the European conversation has made it into the current repertoire of ideas. In fact, some of the most important voices and ideas within this conversation have had almost no reception by Anglophone philosophers. European traditions of educational thinking deserve our attention not only because they have been overlooked, however, but also because our colleagues throughout the ages have seen in them a promise of making our encounters with young people more meaningful, more productive, and more focused on what really matters in a human life.

What are the European traditions that influence the contemporary philosophy of education, perhaps from the background? Which European traditions, ideas, theories or approaches has contemporary philosophy of education overlooked? What quali昀椀es a tradition or idea as “European”? And how might these traditions be reappropriated, reunderstood or reconceived in light of contemporary political and social challenges?

The European Seminars in Philosophy of Education aims to place these questions in the center of its inaugural meeting in July 2025. Not only because they are connected to the very notion of being “European”, but also because they have become particularly pertinent at this current socio-political moment. Europe is under strain.While the idea and reality of Europe have never been uncontested, we appear to have come to a historical juncture, perhaps even a moment of crisis. How, if at all, will Europe deal with the continuing war in the Ukraine, the resurgence of anti-Semitism, climate change, its colonial past? What geopolitical role is there for Europe in a world dominated, quite possibly, by China, India, and (still, for some time) the United States? Can Europe find ways to maintain itself without ruthlessly closing and patrolling its borders? Can Europe promote a more peaceful and more just world? And if so, what do we need to do in schools or other educational institutions to promote these goals?

All of these questions bear on education in many ways. Education is a space where identities are created: local, national, or transnational; cultural, moral, and personal identities. It is also a (re)generative space for communities and geopolitical entities. Historical narratives are transmitted through education, and new, more honest, self-critical and just historical narratives can be created and begin to take root there.At the same time, education can be and has been used as a tool merely to promote economic growth or to spread political ideologies. Education in Europe is at the forefront of many such tensions.

In reflecting on these issues, it is worth returning to European traditions in educational thinking, broadly conceived to include both formal and informal education and child-rearing, that can offer fruitful ways forward.These may be traditions or perspectives that remain marginal in the Anglophone world of philosophy of education or enclosed within the borders of single European nations. A Europe that is open to the world also needs to be open within itself.
The deadline for submissions for the 2025 conference is 1st of March 2025. Submissions should be anonymized as well as sent along with your name, title and affiliation (university and department) in a separate file. Contributors will be informed whether their submissions are accepted by the 1st of April 2025.
Please send your submissions to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Questioning Technology in Education: Countering Dominant Narratives and Developing Strategies of Resistance

When: Submission deadline: November 15, 2024

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Proposals papers and panels (symposia) are invited for the 2025 Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CPES) pre-conference. The preconference, which will take place the day before the CPES conference in Toronto, will include at least one invited speaker, as well as what we hope will be a solid number of presentations by those who are members, or are considering membership, of CPES. Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit a proposal, and proposals from other disciplines are welcome, as long as they clearly address the theme.
• Proposal length: Max. 3 pages, double-spaced in 11-point font or greater. References may follow on additional page(s). Proposals must include a title.
• Proposal types: Papers (single-authored or multi-authored) or panels that include 3- 4 short presentations by diTerent authors on the same topic.
• Submission format: Submit as Word or .pdf email attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Submission deadline: November 15, 2024
• Submission or registration fee: none! The pre-conference is sponsored by the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, the journal Philosophical Inquiry in Education, and the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance, Concordia University. Lunch will be included.

Questioning Technology in Education: Introduction of Pre-Conference Theme
25 years ago, we found ourselves at the end of a technology hype cycle. Academics and public intellectuals made breathless pronouncements about the advent of the “global village,” and wrote high-minded essays about how the internet would empower ordinary citizens to become more politically active. One laptop per child, the internet on everyone’s desktop and perhaps, even, in everyone’s pocket. John Dewey’s dream of “knowledge becoming liquid,” knowledge democratized and flowing through the fibre-optic cables to whoever might want it, was finally at hand. Sure, there might be a few conspiracy theorists
here and there, and a few corporate types looking to line their pockets, but this would all give way before the internet’s overwhelming democratizing power.
In retrospect, we would have done better to read Jacques Ellul than Nicholas Negroponte. There’s no good or bad use of the internet, Ellul would say, there is just the most eTicient use, or what he would have called the “technical” use of it. The technical use, Ellul thinks, always dominates. In other words, it may not be especially democratic or empowering for Uber to have replaced all those independent taxi drivers, but we can’t deny that Uber has made the transactions smoother and more eTicient. The aggregation of corporate power in this way has continued in many other sectors. For example, social media companies professionalized the early internet’s “amateur hour” look and feel, aggregating audiences of billions on their platforms.
We find ourselves amid a renewed tech hype cycle today. This time, AI technology is at the forefront, although the blockchain is still in the mix. AI is going to be great for education, we are told. Everything is going to be transformed by it. A school board oTicial recently asked me how it could possibly be useful for a student to learn to do a task which could be performed by AI. I had a lot of diTiculty sympathizing with this point of view, since much of schooling, and maybe even learning more generally, has historically consisted of the execution of tasks more eTiciently accomplished by other means.
Scholars working in the foundations of education, at least compared to their colleagues elsewhere in Schools of Education, have usually been better than average at resisting tech hype. Perhaps this is because philosophers have a good view of the core principles of education, which have proven relatively stable over time, while historians understand the institutional dynamics of schools and their general resistance to change. As historian Larry Cuban pointed out, we have seen many cases in which the technology has been “oversold and underused,” or, as philosopher Kieran Egan might have noted, in which new technology has been emphasized at the expense of a coherent educational vision.
The purpose of this CPES preconference is to provide a space to question and resist dominant discourses around educational technology. There are many ways to do this, as there is a long tradition of questioning technology both within Western philosophy, as well as in other, non-Western philosophical traditions. Although this is a CPES preconference, approaches from other foundations disciplines are welcome, as sociologists and historians have made critical contributions to this question in the past. Views that are more hopeful about technology are also welcome, on condition that they engage the “Questioning Technology” theme of the preconference.


When: Proposal Deadline: 9 October 2024

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We would like to extend a warm invitation to submit your proposals for the upcoming 2025 meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CPES). CPES’s annual meeting includes paper sessions, panels, symposia, and an array of networking opportunities. CPES operates under the umbrella of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), which holds its annual meeting in the context of the broader Congress 2025 event, hosted by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. CSSE’s 53rd annual conference is scheduled to span from 31 May 2025 (pre-conference day) to 5 June 2025 (post-conference day). The conference will be held at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario. For comprehensive details about the conference location, theme, and submission guidelines, please visit the CSSE website at

Educating Philosophers: A Handbook of Best Practice

When: Expressions of Interest Deadline: October 1st, 2024

Contact: Editors: Kenneth R. Westphal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Mark Addis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The vast majority of philosophers are academics earning their living primarily as teachers. Yet only a tiny fraction are actively interested in philosophy of education or take notice of such jour- nals as Teaching Philosophy. Currently philosophy is under acute pressure from the political econ- omy of higher education and institutions to justify its continued existence as an academic disci- pline. Concurrently, the quantity of philosophical work published has expanded to the point where proper and effective operation of the peer review process is increasingly difficult. These trends challenge philosophers to demonstrate the value of their professional activity and in par- ticular to show that academic discussion is not merely an end in itself. Responding to this chal- lenge requires fresh or at least refreshed and convincing answers to the question, What are the educational responsibilities of philosophers?
These educational responsibilities are wide ranging; classroom teaching and research supervision are central, but not exhaustive. Also included are education in professional ethics and integrity; mentoring new faculty members; training for the full range of professional responsibilities within the department, institution and wider profession, including review of applications for tenure or promotion, publication submissions and funding applications; and public engagement. Just as education enables children to become competent and responsible adults, it enables culture to continue beyond the current generation. More specifically there are educational relations between social institutions and their practitioners ranging from societies and their citizens to particular professions and professionals such as philosophers. In each educational relation vital issues arise concerning the training and induction of newly qualified members, maintenance of sufficient competence and integrity, fostering worthwhile expertise and innovation, and the assessment, revision or improvement of procedures, techniques or standards. These issues raise a wide range of questions which can be creatively addressed which this handbook seeks to address.

PES/Educational Theory Pre-Conference Workshop: PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION BEYOND THE HUMAN

When: Deadline: November 1st, 2024; Workshop: March 6th, 2025

Where: Baltimore, Maryland

Contact: Program Chair Oded Zipory

The committee invites submissions for the Pre-Conference Workshop, "Philosophy of Education Beyond the Human." The pre-conference workshop presents a unique opportunity to engage with colleagues, with the goal of creating a shared intellectual conversation around the proposed theme.

Accepted papers will be workshopped during a series of collaborative sessions with the other contributors throughout the day on March 6, 2025, before the annual PES conference in Baltimore begins that evening. The revised papers will then be considered for publication in a special issue of Educational Theory. Hotel accommodation for the night of March 5 and all meals during the March 6 workshops will be covered by the journal.

Paper proposals (1000 words, excluding references) are due on September 16, 2024. These will undergo an anonymous review process and authors will be informed if their proposal has been accepted for the pre-conference workshop by October 11, 2024.

EPAT Special Issue & Workshop - Canonical Pluralism: New Approaches to Teaching the History of Philosophy

When: November 20, 2024*2m8ctc*_gcl_au*MTczMTg5OTQ0MC4xNzIxMjcwMDY0*_ga*MTUwODIzNjc5OC4xNzIxMjY5Nzc0*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTcyMzYwODAxMC4yLjEuMTcyMzYwODI1Ni41OS4wLjA.&_ga=2.124826762.1811307841.1723608011-150

Contact: Elisabeth Widmer and Bettina Bussmann

In contrast to academic philosophy, teaching philosophy consists largely of reading philosophers from the past. This approach presupposes selecting works and authors that culminate in a ‘canon’: a set of works or authors from a specific period deemed outstanding by individuals at a later period. The formation of a canon is inherently subject to tension: While the criteria for canonical relevance reflect the outcome of a collective deliberation process, guided by philosophical experts and educators, these criteria are prone to perpetuating the social biases of a dominant tradition, social group, or class. This tension is particularly pertinent in the educational context. On one hand, philosophy educators face the task of conveying thought traditions that preserve an intellectual history. On the other hand, educators ought to minimize the risk of adopting methods that perpetuate problematic social biases. To balance these aims, this special issue explores pluralistic approaches to canonical relevance. Canonical pluralism, as we understand it, suggests that in order to minimize social biases, philosophy education requires pluralistic standards of ‘relevance,’ reflected and integrated into the content of canons and teaching methods.


We are interested in heterodox methods in the history of philosophy and using their approaches to reflect on novel ways in how to understand ‘canonical relevance.’ We are particularly interested in three recent developments in the history of philosophy. First, various philosophers have made significant efforts to deliver interpretations sensitive the social biases in canonical authors or have argued for the importance of reading past philosophers against the backdrop of current moral and scientific standards. We aim to explore the numerous hermeneutical approaches that emerged from their goal to unveil social biases in canonical authors and works, and to redefine how we teach these authors in a socially responsible manner.

(i) Our first objective is to scrutinize the hermeneutical methods that acknowledge social biases in canonical authors and to question how these approaches alter our view of the conceptualization of canonical relevance.

Second, we are interested in new approaches to the history of philosophy that include philosophers from less privileged backgrounds, such as female authors, philosophers of colour, authors from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds, and non-Western or non-Christian philosophers. Recent years have seen historians of philosophy working to expand and change the philosophical canon. This has shifted the view on the history of philosophy in two respects: moving away from a highly individualistic approach to viewing it as a collective endeavour and including perspectives from other disciplines where marginalized authors had better access. In both cases, we observe a shift away from assessing philosophy based on logical rigor, moving towards an approach that values the novelty and influence of philosophical ideas.

(ii) Our second objective is to reflect on the philosophical presuppositions that underlie interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches to the history of philosophy. Our aim is to utilize their insights to redefine what is considered canonically relevant.

Third, we are interested in decolonial and non-Western approaches to the canon that call for a fundamental rethinking of the perspective from which we make canonical judgments. Post-colonial and critical race theorists have emphasized the importance of shifting the philosophy curriculum and canon from a hegemonic to a pluralist perspective. These movements critically point out that the concepts and notions we deal with are inherently part of a tradition that can only be combatted with a decentralized perspective.

(iii) Our third objective is to explore the insights gained from decolonial perspectives that perceive the canon as an ongoing negotiation process. We aim to understand the lessons that can be drawn when canonical relevance is defined in an inherently open manner.


When: December 4th, 2024 9:30 am -12 noon

Where: Tūranga, Christchurch, New Zealand

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In collaboration with the PESA conference, the Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP) presents a panel discussion, followed by interactive workshops, traversing what visual pedagogies shake up and settle down. This discussion and following workshops will delve into the initiatives, innovations, integrations, and ubiquitous potentials of visualities, illustrating ways of seeing, approaching, understanding, and entangling the visual.