Conference Archive PESA Conference 2014


Education as Philosophies of Engagement
Kingsgate Hotel, Hamilton, New Zealand   Sat 22 Nov - Tues 25 Nov


Conference Downloads

  • Friday 21 November - Informal Pre-conference drinks, Kingsgate Hotel.
  • Saturday 22 November - PESA 2014 Conference begins on Saturday morning with a Whakatau.
  • Saturday 22 November - Welcome Evening drinks and refreshments & Members book launch (sponsored by Springer).
  • Sunday 23 November - The PESA 2014 Conference Dinner on Sunday 23rd, co-sponsored by Taylor & Francis/ Routledge the publishers of Educational Philosophy & Theory and the Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research (WMIER) from the University of Waikato. After dinner speaker, Prof Graham Hingangaroa Smith, VC & CEO, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.
  • Tuesday November 25 - Conference will end in the afternoon with a Whakamutunga.

Special Interest Groups

At the conference we will have designated people to assist specific interest groups.  Monday evening is available for these groups to arrange informal get-togethers - probably meeting over dinners - but to be arranged informally at conference:

  • Indigenous Philosophy Group: Georgina Stewart, Carl Mika
  • Post-Graduate Student Group: Christoph Teschers
  • Early Childhood Philosophy Group: Jayne White


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