Conference Archive PESA Conference 2023

Call for Papers

Being Together in/with Place: Reimagining Educational Philosophies and Pedagogies in Transformational Times
Auckland, New Zealand   6-9 December 2023

Call for Papers

Presentation Abstract Submission

The Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA) invites abstract submissions for the PESA Conference 2023. The conference will be held in person from Wednesday 6 December to Saturday 9 December, 2023 at Waipapa Taumata Rau|The University of Auckland.

We invite abstract submissions for the following:

  1. Individual presentations
  2. Panel presentations (minimum 3 presenters)
  3. Colloquia sessions – an extended discussion/debate on an emergent paper/idea facilitated by the presenter (limited sessions available)
  4. Poster presentations

To complete the submission successfully, please email the following information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

  1. Corresponding presenter name
  2. Corresponding presenter email address
  3. Names of all presenters
  4. Title of presentation
    • For panel presentations, provide a title of the overall panel and titles for the individual panel presentations
  5. Presentation type (individual presentation, panel presentation, colloquia session, or poster presentation)
  6. Abstract (~300 words).
    • For panel presentations, provide an abstract for the panel as a whole (~300 words) and an optional short abstract for each panel presentation (~150 words).
  7. A short biography for all presenters (~50 words each).

We invite submissions related to the conference theme, Being together in/with place: Reimagining educational philosophies and pedagogies in transformational times.

The PESA 2023 conference theme reflects our current times of radical uncertainty at the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic and resulting economic downturn have brought suffering, loss and material hardship to millions of teachers, families and children around the world. At the same time, people continue to experience differently the ongoing climate emergencies, large-scale ecological and environmental disasters, mass migrations and displacement in the world. However, such times also create opportunities for new connections to be forged. The 51st PESA Annual Conference will create such an opportunity for people to come together, to reaffirm our sense of community, agency, creativity and commitment to educational philosophy and theory. It will allow us to explore ways of co-creating more livable, equitable, caring and welcoming educational and philosophical places and spaces. In light of the multiple existential, social and environmental issues that we face, the PESA 2023 conference will centre on the notion of being together in/with place.

Corresponding presenters will be notified about the outcome of their submission by the end of August.
It is a requirement that all presenters are registered for the conference. See the conference registration page for registration information.
We look forward to receiving your submission by Friday 30 June 2023.

Please direct all inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.